When you insure a vehicle you want peace of mind that if you have an accident you have adequate insurance. There is no standard motor policy in Malta. Cover varies from company to company. The following is a guide of the cover normally provided by a motor policy. In order to secure motor insurance, it is important to fill in a proposal form. Insurers will also require proof of no claims entitlement so information about your previous insurers, ideally backed with documentation, will help your broker to get you the discount that you deserve.
This is only a very brief description of the benefits available. It is the policy, a legal document, which defines the insurance in precise terms.
You should ask for information about these discounts:
All motor claims should follow these steps listed below to ensure your claim can be accepted, speed up processing and ensure your claim is managed efficiently.
Step 1. Notification
In case you are involved in an accident you are kindly requested to notify us immediately of this by completing and returning a claim form. You can request a claim form online, by phone: 21235880 or by visiting our offices
Step 2. Documentation
Please find below a list of the documentation which should be forwarded to our offices together with your completed claim form:
You can attach these documents to the claim form and send them to our offices by post or email to info@galeabrokers.com. The insurers reserve the right to request any additional information and/or documentation as deemed necessary.
Step 3. Policy Excess Payment
Your motor policy usually carries an excess, which is the first amount you are liable to pay to enable us to process your claim. You can pay the applicable excess by sending a cheque payable to Galea Insurance Brokers. You can also call directly at our offices and pay by cash, debit or credit card. Alternatively, you can settle the amount due through internet banking. Before effecting payment it is important that you confirm the excess amount due with our offices. There are some insurance policies that do not have excess so verify first.
If your claim is not covered by insurance but you require assistance from a professional claims handler, our staff will be ready to provide the service at an administration fee of Euro 50.
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Tel: 2122 5884
E-mail: info@galeabrokers.com